In the heart of Yunnan’s Mengma Town, Menglian County, lies the picturesque Yirong Estate, a coffee farm renowned for its dedication to quality and sustainability. Nestled at an altitude of 1300 to 1600 meters, this estate flourishes under a subtropical monsoon climate, nourished by pristine mountain spring water. Spanning over 2000 acres and home to more than 600,000 coffee trees, Yirong Estate has become a beacon of excellence in Yunnan’s coffee industry. Like most of Farms in Yunnan, Catimor is the main varity currently, but they produce catimor in p3 and p4 offering rich and unique flavor profiles, processed with meticulous attention to detail.
But this story isn’t just about a farm; it’s about a connection — a partnership built on passion, resilience, and shared values.
From Pu’er to a Meaningful Partnership
The journey of Shu From Yunnan’s collaboration with Yirong Estate began in an unusual but memorable way. It started with a heated discussion on a Chinese social media platform, where I (Shu) defended the progress and potential of Yunnan coffee against unfair criticisms. While the debate continued, someone stepped in to support my perspective. That someone was Luo Yi (Jean), the owner of Yirong Estate. Our shared passion for Yunnan coffee and belief in its future formed the basis of our connection.
Later, I had the privilege of meeting Jean in person during a visit to Pu’er. The purpose of my visit was clear: to learn more about Yirong Estate and experience their coffee firsthand. Jean’s dedication to quality, her forward-thinking approach, and her deep understanding of coffee left a profound impression on me. As a young female leader in the coffee industry, she embodies resilience and vision, and our meeting solidified the start of a meaningful partnership.
A Partnership Built on Quality and Shared Vision
Yirong Estate’s coffee is a testament to its commitment to excellence. At Shu From Yunnan, we are proud to have two outstanding coffees from Yirong Estate in our collection: a 14-day anaerobic fermentation coffee and a honey-processed coffee. Both showcase the estate’s mastery in processing and its dedication to producing high-quality, distinctive beans that have gained recognition in European markets.
This collaboration not only highlights the potential of Yunnan coffee but also underscores the importance of supporting female-led initiatives in the industry. Luo Yi’s unwavering commitment to her craft inspires us to promote and share the unique stories behind each bean.
We invite you to experience these exceptional coffees and discover the flavors and stories that define Yirong Estate. For inquiries or to connect with us, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Together, let’s celebrate the spirit of Yunnan coffee and the remarkable individuals behind it.